Death of Fashion: S/T

Overall, this eponymous EP is a pretty good little slice of rock and roll. The promo sheet described Death of Fashion as “Joy Division meets early Stones.” Lofty goals, indeed. It sounds nothing like those bands.

It will take only one word to tell you what this is like: The Strokes. Okay, that’s two. There are a bunch of bands who describe themselves as sounding like The Strokes, but these guys got it down – specifically, the first side of Is This It? (I really love that record.) Death of Fashion completely ape that.

Weary, disinterested vocals, downstroke only guitars, simple melody lines, and lilting bass lines are the main ingredients. I may be harping on one aspect of this album, but it is so hard to ignore that it becomes the key description point.

This sounds exactly like The Strokes, not “sort of, or similar to,” but you could listen to this and pick a specific Strokes song that each song on Death of Fashion correlates to, including, at one point a nearly note for note reprise of the bass line for The Strokes’ song “Is This It?” appears.

Death of Fashion