Ninja High School: Young Adults Against Suicide

Ninja High School - Young Adults Against Suicide Oh, Tomlab Records! Can you do nothing wrong? Young Adults Against Suicide is Ninja High School ’s first full-length, following only the 2004 EP entitled We Win, which was released on Steven Kado’s Toronto-based Blocks Recording Club.

From the moment I slid this baby into my CD player I was in love. Awash in cheesy dance beats, their giddy Tomlab debut sounds like your funniest and drunkest friends delivering a spot-on imitation of drunk, hilarious cheerleaders.

Calling themselves a “positive hardcore dance-rap band,” these five Canadians (including ex-Hidden Camera Steven Kado) have put together a completely genius album, including soon-to-be-party-hits like “It’s All Right to Fight,” a song whose chorus chants, “You’re going home in a fucking ambulance/You’re going home in a fucking ambulance/It’s all right to fight/It’s all right to fight” and still somehow manages to verge on adorable.

Catchy sing-along choruses that stand up to our favorites from bands like Go! Team and Big Digits ensure you’ll listen repeatedly just to learn how to sing along. The album retains its cleverness from beginning to end, perhaps providing the perfect soundtrack to your next raging party, teen throw down, or inebriated destruction of property.

– Emily Villemaire
Ninja High School (Tomlab)