The Medications: Your Favorite People All in One Place

Mayday - Your Favorite People All in One PlaceThis album starts off with about a minute and a half of feedback, which is almost good in my book, and then the rest of the record sounds like some combination of the new Dead Meadow record and Radiohead. Really. That description sounds almost too weird to be possible, so let me extrapolate.

These guys can really play their instruments, and do so in a really technical way, almost like At the Drive-In, but they write in a Radiohead kind of bombastic way.

At times, the music is droney, druggy, and laidback. The Medications seem to have figured out the perfect proportions of each of these elements to keep the music fresh and the listener happy. Some snappy time changes, and loud/soft/loud dynamics keep this interesting.

The vocals are somewhat Thom Yorke-ish, in that moany way, but they can also be frantic and desperate. This album is typical of the quality music that we have come to expect from Dischord

– Bill Barry
The Medications (Dischord)