AIDS Wolf are a noise outfit out of Montreal, and I am gonna say right off the bat, I just don’t get it. Mostly squawking guitars, repetitive intricate bass lines, breakbeat drumming, and a howling chick add up to something kinda vaguely cool to me, but nothing I am gonna shit my pants over.
At times the singer sounds like the dude from Alice Donut at his most annoying, and sometimes it is like that chick from Harry Pussy screaming her head off. My buddy Harrington, who is really into noise, listens to really insane music at unbelievable volume on his walkman, and when he walks into the room and you can hear the noise coming from his headphones, that’s kinda what this sounds like. Not a lot of form, lots of feedback, screeching, generally, some form of organized cacophony, and a bunch of weird non-traditional rock instruments in the background, wall of noise type stuff.
I am gonna say that I am stoked that AIDS Wolf exists though. Even if I am not that into what they do, I think that it should be done. Pushing the boundaries of what is music, is an important step in the evolution of music, and through bands like AIDS Wolf, we get a broader sense of what is possible. Using whatever you have on hand, whether it be a couple of guitars, or a sampler and a four track, or a bunch of pots and pans and a broken violin, if you really want to enough, you can compose music, even if you have never tried before, you just have to do it, and think about what you are doing as you do it. GO AIDS Wolf.
Author: Bill Barry
AIDS Wolf (Love Pump United)