Battle of Mice: A Day of Nights

Sharing members with Book of Knots, Red Sparowes, and Made Out of Babies, Battle of Mice may seem like an afterthought, the “red-headed stepchild” as it were. However, A Day of Nights does all it can to prove they’re a force to be reckoned with.

Supposedly borne out of a love/hate relationship between guitarist/keyboardist Josh Graham and vocalist Julie Christmas, A Day of Nights is decidedly melancholic, ominous, and aggressive. Though the music shares the textured and atmospheric qualities of the Red Sparowes’ instrumental output, Christmas’ vocals are less heavy-handed, dropping the almost singular approach of Made Out of Babies in favor of a moodier, more melodic, but equally brutal style.

The genuine emotion, less flamboyant vocals, and frequently interesting music make up for the semi-schlocky “911 call” and other various overly-dramatic elements that pop up from time to time (not to mention the boring “Wrapped in Plain”). Overall, I’d deem this a recommended listening experience, especially for fans of the aforementioned bands.

– Tom Youth
Battle of Mice (Neurot Recordings)