Jamie Meline, the man behind the El-P moniker, will be performing at an Urban Outfitters in Manhattan as part of the company’s Free Yr Radio campaign with Toyota Yaris. His set, which is sure to feature mounds of material from recently released imaginary sci-fi soundtrack I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead, begins at 8:00 pm ET Saturday at 526 Avenue of the Americas.
Free Yr Radio has already arranged live in-store appearances of Dinosaur Jr., Man Man, Grizzly Bear, and The Ponys, and will include a collaboration between cult heroes Sonic Youth and electro-folk artist Dntel in Santa Monica, California on July 21.
As for Fucked Up, contributors to the Toronto travel section in ALARM’s summer issue, the group will hold a free show of melodic, throaty irreverence tomorrow at Reckless Records in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood. Interested parties, however, may have to ditch class or take an extended lunch break to catch the group in action; the five-piece outfit is set to begin at the decidedly un-punk-rock time of 12:00 pm CT. The area’s prominent independent record store is located at 1532 N. Milwaukee.
El-P @ Urban Outfitters
Saturday, July 14, 2007
8:00 pm ET, free admission
526 Avenue of the Americas
New York City, NY 10011
El-P: “Flyentology” (with Trent Reznor)
Fucked Up @ Reckless Records
Friday, July 13, 2007
12:00 pm CT, free admission
1532 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Fucked Up: “Baiting the Public” (live at The Knitting Factory)