Evidence: The Weatherman

evidenceEvidence (of Dilated Peoples) has done a remarkable job constructing The Weatherman, plotting a well-developed theme and incorporating it beautifully into his songs, a feat of sequencing that is a lost art on most current albums.

His alias (known to any Dilated Peoples fan as “The Weatherman”) remains consistent throughout a brutally heavy and dark-sounding album. Even when he breaks form on the realistic and positive “Chase The Clouds Away,” the quality holds.

Evidence displays a wide range of thoughts and feelings on topics including his mother’s passing, giving the album a rare combination of bravado and emotional sincerity. All producers involved with The Weatherman perfectly craft and execute the Evidence style, especially The Alchemists, which lace the album with some of the best production heard this year.

Although he is often critiqued for his slow flow and monotonous voice, these are clearly issues of preference as Evidence does a great job of showcasing himself as a solo artist.

– Mike LaCroix
(ABB Records)