Plock and Tunstall Collaborate on Subterranea

Plock/TunstallSubterranea, the collaboration between ALARM illustrator Ferris Plock and his girlfriend Kelly Tunstall, opens this Saturday at Fuse Gallery in New York City. Though the couple lives in San Francisco, it used the network of New York City subways, tunnels, and sewers to inspire a body of work depicting the lives of creatures inhabiting a mythical underground world.

The exhibit will include site-specific installations as well as several paintings on the subterranean theme. The fanciful, quirky characters get the spotlight in a number of portraits, back-lit by grungy, textural landscapes. Plock and Tunstall do not approach the topic without humor, maintaining a sense of wonder and imagination throughout.

The exhibit opens Saturday, August 25 and runs until September 15. Fuse, located between East 5th and East 6th Street on 2nd Avenue, is open Wednesday through Saturday from 3-8 pm.

August 25 – September 15
Fuse Gallery
93 2nd Avenue
New York, NY 10003
(212) 777-7988