Tortoise Present Free Live Score to Silent Classic Nosferatu

Just a few weeks in advance of Halloween, post-jazz/electro-rock luminaries Tortoise will be preparing something special for their home town of Chicago: an aural accompaniment to Nosferatu, F.W. Murnau’s famous and unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

The peerless pioneers will present the score on October 13 as part of this year’s Macy’s Day of Music, a free music marathon that takes place at Chicago’s Symphony Center. The seventeen-year-old outfit will perform at 8 pm CST, just in time for the sun to have fully set (thus welcoming vampiric visitors).

In addition to the five-piece instrumentalists, the ten-hour marathon includes performances by circus-punk marching band Mucca Pazza, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Klezmer Ensemble, the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, saxophonist Branford Marsalis, and a number of other qualified musicians.

The Macy’s Day of Music is the only scheduled appearance of Tortoise in the US. Additional international performances include the Cervantes Jazz Festival in Malaga, Spain on November 4 as well as a celebration of Thrill Jockey’s fifteenth anniversary in London on November 12.

Tortoise + Nosferatu @ Symphony Center
Saturday, October 13, 8:00 pm CST
220 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 294-3000

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