Audition to Dance in the Yard Dogs Road Show

Do you love the vaudevillian flair, burlesque dancers, freak-show theatrics, and circus/Gypsy/brass-band party tunes of the Yard Dogs Road Show? If so, and you live near San Francisco — and, most importantly, you have experience as a dancer/showperson — you can audition to fill in for the Black and Blue Burlesque on future Yard Dogs performances.

If you think that you have what it takes, submit at least two minutes of yourself performing your own choreography, and be sure to include résumés, portfolios, websites, and MySpace pages. Send submissions to:

The initial deadline is January 12, but that could be extended due to response. If potentially interested, the crew will contact you for a live audition.

In the meantime, check out this video that the Yard Dogs put together for “Lucky Day.” Good luck!

Yard Dogs Road Show: “Lucky Day”