Chicago Composer Forum Performance with the Zhou Brothers

Zhou Brothers at Columbia CollegeZhou Brothers at Columbia College

On Saturday, March 8, 2008, the Chicago Composer’s Forum (CCF) hosted New Music Plus Painting at Columbia College. The free performance by composers Nathan Davis, Guillermo Gregorio, Ryan Ingebritsen, Christopher Preissing, and the International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE) happened simultaneously as Chicago’s Shan Zhou and DaHuang Zhou, better knows at the Zhou Brothers (and the kind owners of the Zhou B Center, which hosted our Printers’ Ball last year), painted a large scale canvas.

Zhou Brothers at Columbia CollegeZhou Brothers at Columbia College

On Saturday, March 8, 2008, the Chicago Composer’s Forum (CCF) hosted New Music Plus Painting at Columbia College. The free performance by composers Nathan Davis, Guillermo Gregorio, Ryan Ingebritsen, Christopher Preissing, and the International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE) happened simultaneously as Chicago’s Shan Zhou and DaHuang Zhou, better knows at the Zhou Brothers (and the kind owners of the Zhou B Center, which hosted our Printers’ Ball last year), painted a large scale canvas.

The brothers paint in collaboration, using what they call “Dream Dialogue” to communicate concepts for the final image. The extremely successful brothers were entertaining and thought-provoking to watch.

Zhou BrothersZhou BrothersZhou BrothersZhou Brothers

Zhou Brothers:
Chicago Composer’s Forum: