DIY Venue Spotlight: 591 55th Street

Photo courtesy of venue

The inhabitants of 591 55th Street (or The Basement as it is commonly called) spend plenty of time playing Street Fighter and drinking. A few months ago, a combination of boredom and distaste for venue promoters prompted The Basement to dedicate some time to hosting bands.

Since then, a variety of musicians have performed in their space. Word has spread and many shows have reached capacity. 591 55th Street will be expanding in the near future to accommodate the crowds.

ALARM’s ongoing series exploring the best grassroots, non-traditional music venues

Photo courtesy of venue

Name: 591 55th Street and/or The Basement
Founded: 2008
Location: 591 55th Street West New York, NJ 07093
Booking Contact: Damian Chacon
Phone: (201)-430-6530
AIM : dmans hodega
Q&A With: Damian, renter of The Basement

What type of bands do you book?
Punk/screamo/emo/indie/post-rock/progressive/experimental bands-basically energetic, entertaining, creative music!

Why did you want to open a DIY venue?
Being in a band and hating promoters, hating having to drive half hour to an hour to play a decent venue, boredom- the usual.

Is your venue grounded on any ideals?
Not specifically. We don’t preach anything but we’re not really a straightedge/christcore loving group, not quite an anarchist collective or anything like that but, we are totally cool with that scene.

How has the venue been an attribute to a community?
It’s strengthened the bond between bands that wouldn’t necessarily be good friends.

Are there other DIYs that you have a relationship with or another DIY space you would recommend?
6862 Weymouth Road in Mays Landing, New Jersey and 420 Main Street in Sayreville, New Jersey

Have you been met with any challenges running a DIY venue?
More space is the main issue, sometimes more kids come than can fit

Are there any significant musical acts or artists that have drawn a crowd or have had a significant performance?
Most of the bands that have played here have claimed to have played their best show so, I don’t know. We are hosting a touring band from New Zealand (Bang Bang Eche); I guess so far that’s our biggest accomplishment.

Do you have a favorite anecdote you would like to share?
This kid face planted into our drummer’s cymbals but he’s a black belt so we laughed with him, ya know…

Do you plan on expanding or modifying your venue in the future?
We’re hoping to knock down all the walls between the live music room and my roomate’s room and make the space a lot bigger (approximately 50X50) when we move upstairs in the next year or so.

What advice could you give those who are interested in opening their own venue?
Be careful. Watch for too many kids drinking, stop any fights or make sure they take place far from the venue. Be good to the bands and the kids and you should have a great time.

What events do you have coming up?
12/26/08 BAD MASK, Ezra Joyce, Astrophel and Stella
Everyone Everywhere, Rumi, Jellybean Fiasco, Astrophel and Stella, Test Dream

591 55th Street: