DIY Venue Spotlight: WonderRoot Community Center

The Wild performing at WonderRoot. Photo credit: Jeff Wolk

The WonderRoot Community Center supports and encourages a variety of creative endeavors; they are the elementary school art teacher of DIY venues.

Members of this non-profit arts organization strive to inspire positive social change; they feel that artists have the ability to change the world. Those who enter WonderRoot can expect an accessible, low-pressure environment where self-expression is welcome.

ALARM’s ongoing series exploring the best grassroots, non-traditional music venues

Defiance, Ohio engages with the audience. Photo by: Ben Grad

Name: WonderRoot Community Arts Center
Year Founded: 2004
Location: 982 Memorial Dr. Atlanta, GA 30316
Booking contact:
Q&A With: Witt Wisebram, co-executive director / co-founder

What type of bands do you book?
We try to keep the programming at WonderRoot as diverse as possible. We have had everything from Hip-Hop to metal to dance performances. We are always open to any ideas on how our performance space can be used.

Why did you want to open a DIY venue?
We wanted to incorporate a performance space into our community arts center, because we felt that it was important for Atlanta to have a place that bands just starting out and touring bands that don’t have much of a draw in Atlanta would feel comfortable performing at. Our venue has the same feeling of a house show but we try to provide decent gear that would be expected at more of a traditional venue.

Is your venue grounded on any ideals?
We really believe that all types of artists have the ability to change the world. It is important to offer a space that allows all artists to have their voices heard, not just the ones that are good at “music business.” We also believe that it is important to give the community access to new and exciting art and music, and that is why we keep shows to $5 and under (with a policy of never turning anyone away) and are one of the only all-ages venues left in Atlanta.

How has the venue been an attribute to a community?
Besides from just being a music venue, we provide the community with all sorts of art production resources such as a recording studio, a dark room, a computer lab, an art gallery, a ceramics studio, and classroom space. We believe that it is important to offer the tools and the space for people in our community to express themselves creatively.

Aside from live music, do you host any other events or programs in your space?
During the day we have workshops open to the community on all sorts of art production. We also let community groups use our space for meetings. We have had a lot of different types of events in our venue space besides music, such as dance performances, collaborative art nights, author readings and movie screenings.

Are there any significant musical acts or artists that have drawn a crowd or have had a significant performance?
The biggest turnouts that we have had have been for Defiance, Ohio, Jeffrey Lewis and the Jackals, Nana Grizol, Andrew Jackson Jihad, Hope for a Golden Summer, Best Friends Forever, and The Terrordactyls.

What advice could you give those who are interested in opening their own venue?
I would say to go for it… it has been the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life. It is important to find a good balance between planning and accepting the unexpected. It is good to have a solid foundation, but really it is important to follow your heart and instincts as well.

What events do you have coming up?
We have some really cool events coming up. We have the Gadabout Traveling Film Festival with great DIY films and art by the Just Seeds CO-OP and music by Halo Fauna. We have some really great art shows coming up including one curated by an amazing local artist Mike Germon on behalf of the local Thoughtmarker Blog.
