Not For Us Two acts out in subtle and gentle fashion. O’Rourke sings of a resignation that is prevalent throughout. Songs “New Excuses” and “Remotely Together” deal with longtime efforts now given up. Lyrics like “I’m over trying to tire, and I’m tired of standing” are those of a man truly over it. A combination of Jeff Tweedy and a mournful Zach Rogue, O’Rourke brings genuineness to what could otherwise be contrived or overly standard thematic situations.
Musically, the alt country sound stays right on the map. O’Rourke is backed by a reliable four piece and each part is played out in scripted and deliberate acts. The songs flow like that of a band comfortable within their own skin. Lo Fine utilizes a less-is-more stance to music. No new ground is broken, yet the album is satisfying in an age of over sensory acts cramming every corner with noise. Lo Fine allow the songs to expand at a slow, but natural pace, bringing a warmth and finally a welcomed resolution.
– Charlie Swanson
Lo Fine:
Pigeon Records: