Planes Mistaken For Stars: Mercy

Planes Mistaken for Stars MercyPlanes Mistaken for Stars MercyNot for lack of effort, but Mercy is less than the sum of its parts. Don’t get me wrong: they cook with quality ingredients and a sure hand. It’s just that the flavor profile is confused. Like many post-hardcore bands that get stuck with the emo label, Planes Mistaken for Stars mix impressive chops, impassioned delivery, and uncompromising force to mediocre effect. The first track, “One Fucked Pony,” opens with churning, macho guitar play similar to that of the mid-90s indie group Juno. But then the vocals arrive. Gared O’Donnell’s fervent screaming often seems out of place, as if he forgot to split the difference between the music’s roots and its ostensible ambitions, which would lend themselves well to more melodic vocals. O’Donnell’s voice serves tracks like “Crooked Mile” more effectively, and he conveys a genuinely haunting presence on “Keep Your Teeth,” which opens with menacing tribal drums and balances hard and soft elements impressively. The songwriting is strong, and the band-O’Donnell on lead vocal and guitar, Matt Bellinger on “backing screams” and guitar, Mike Rickets on drums, and Chuck French on bass-is technically on point. However, the elements never quite blend well enough to complement one another; the band seems at such competition with itself that the overall effect is muddy. Still, Mercy is strong enough to bear repeated listening, and Planes Mistaken for Stars remains a band to keep an ear on. It’s an admittedly backhanded testament to their considerable talents that each song serves a buildup so delicious that the payoff can’t help but disappoint. [LW]

Planes Mistaken for Stars:
Abacus Recordings:

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