I found a video of me performing my International Lover number at the Zipper Theater in Shelly Watson’s Interarts Variety show. It’s the same number I performed in Margaret Cho’s Sensuous Woman show. Although I’ve performed it in a few cities, I haven’t yet done it at festivals because it’s seven minutes long, and most festivals have a 4 or 5 minute rule!
I don’t really have a signature number, but if I did, this glitter-vomiting, shibari-tying number might be it. I’ve been doing this self-bondage since Fetish Diva Midori taught it to me about ten years ago when we were performing together at the Black & Blue Ball!
– Jo Weldon
Jo Weldon is Headmistress of the award-winning New York School of Burlesque and is a regular burlesque performer. Visit burlesquedaily.blogspot.com to read her daily blog.