Gallows rock Chicago, fight opening band, generally be awesome

British hardcore band Gallows played Chicago’s Reggie’s Rock Club on Saturday October 3rd.  The band, who were a bit late to begin their 8:15 All Ages-friendly set time, had a scuffle with local openers Explode and Make Up, and a few moments into their first song unanimously bolted off stage to muscle it out.

Following the long standing hardcore tradition of peace-making post-fight wrap up coverage, singer Frank Carter apologized for the incident and then performed the best rock concert I’ve seen in Chicago all year.

Say what you will about hardcore, but if you want to see a crazy show with tons of dancing, stage dives, whole-dance floor circle pits, but hate dance music and bright colored tights (I’m looking at you Girl Talk), its your best bet.

The set, littered with 16-year-old girls moshing, old guys making snide remarks from the back, ended with the song “Orchestra of Wolves.” The group encored with Black Flag’s “Nervous Breakdown” which was, again, interrupted by a fight to which Carter remarked, “Well, it looks like we’ve come full circle.”

Their most recent album Grey Britain is available now on Warner Bros.