Two new books on my desk today

Stitches: A Memoir
This a graphic novel by David Small (coming September 2009 from W.W. Norton), 334 pages, hardcover $23.95. (The advanced copy is pictured here).  Its a real page turner, I sat down and unexpectedly did not get up until I had finished it. Keep an eye out for it.

Stitches: A Memoir... by David SmallStitches: A Memoir... by David Small
Stitches: A Memoir... by David Small
Stitches: A Memoir... by David SmallStitches: A Memoir... by David Small
Stitches: A Memoir... by David Small
Stitches: A Memoir... by David SmallStitches: A Memoir... by David Small
Stitches: A Memoir... by David Small

Hong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History of Chinese Medicine Packaging
This is a great visual resource by Simon Go, 200 pages, Princeton Architectural Press.

Hong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History of Chinese Medicine PackagingHong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History of Chinese Medicine Packaging
Hong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History of Chinese Medicine Packaging
Hong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History of Chinese Medicine Packaging
Hong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History of Chinese Medicine Packaging