Plain Air, the brainchild of artists Brian Willmont and Cody Hoyt, is the second in a series of exhibitions put together by the artist collective / publishing-printmaking project called Apenest. Apenest’s origins can be traced back to when Willmont and Hoyt began collecting artwork from their favorite artists, selling it, and taking the proceeds to self-publish a book featuring the contributors.
Plain Air will explore the theme of landscape as somewhere between reality and fantasy. The opening reception will be held Friday, October 15 from 7-10 p.m., and the show will run through November 14 at Cinders Gallery in Brooklyn, NY.

Plain Air artists include:
Corey Arnold, Patrick Casey, Mark Chariker, John Copeland, Sophia Cara Frydman, Joseph Hart, Cody Hoyt, Alex Lukas, Eddie Martinez, Niall Mcclelland, Steak Mtn., Caleb Neelon, Hilary Pecis, Eric Saline, Zac Scheinbaum, Andrew Schoultz, Mark Schoening, Conor Thompson, Paul Wackers, Brian Willmont