Guest Playlist: Viva Voce’s songs for the apocalypse

Viva Voce: The Future Will Destroy YouViva Voce: The Future Will Destroy You (Vanguard, 6/21/11)

Viva Voce: “Analog Woodland Song”

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Kevin and Anita Robinson comprise Portland, Oregon-based rock-n-roll band Viva Voce. The married couple has released six full-length albums since the late ’90s, the latest of which is called The Future Will Destroy You. With Kevin hammering the drums with machine-like precision and Anita producing catchy hooks and riffs with classic-rock cool, it’s a surprisingly lighthearted sound for such a foreboding title. The band’s sticking by its claim, though, and recently compiled this apocalyptic playlist for ALARM.

1. The Stooges: “Search & Destroy”

I’m a streetwalking cheetah with a heart full of napalm. ‘Nuff said.

2. Bob Dylan: “A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall”

The pebble that started the avalanche.

3. Black Sabbath: “Hole In The Sky”

“We’re all gonna die” is the message of this song, I believe. It’s a kids’ song, really.

4. The Rolling Stones: “Paint It Black”

Johnny Cash thought so too.

5. The Byrds: “One Hundred Years From Now”

Electro-cowpoke singing, “Nobody knows the kind of trouble we’re in.”

6. Queen: “Another One Bites The Dust”

Another one gone, and another one gone…

7. Grandaddy: “Broken Household Appliance National Forest”

The conduit is the hollow log.

8. Kris Kristofferson: “Kiss The World Goodbye”

Grandma-approved apocalyptic message.

9. Pink Floyd: “Goodbye Blue Sky”

See: “Paint it Black.”

10. Sly & The Family Stone: There’s a Riot Going On

As well there should be.

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