Guest Spots: Starfucker’s cell-phone-picture tour diary


Starfucker: ReptiliansStarfucker: ReptiliansStarfucker: Reptilians (Polyvinyl, 3/8/11)

Starfucker: “Bury Us Alive”

[audio:|titles=Starfucker: “Bury Us Alive”]

Portland, Oregon-based Starfucker (or STRFKR, if you’re into the whole no-vowels thing) has made a name for itself by crafting consistently catchy, effervescent electronic pop. Since its inception as a solo project, founding member Josh Hodges has added three members, and the band inked a record deal with Polyvinyl last summer.

With a new album, Reptilians, set for an early March release, the band is on the road, plying its trade. We caught up with multi-instrumentalist Keil Corcoran, and he gave us a grainy, lo-res glimpse into the wild world of STRFKR.

Starfucker’s Cell-Phone-Picture Tour Diary
by Keil Corcoran

My name is Keil. I play drums for Starfucker. I have a piece-of-shit phone called the Motozine ZN5. I have this phone because:

1. It was free
2. It has a five-megapixel camera
3. I am broke
4. It was free

This camera is by no means fit to photograph anything of true consequence. It is, however, terribly handy on tour when awesome things happen/appear.


Ryan [Bjornstad] and Shawn [Glassford] in Seattle looking fine.

America is god. This was photographed in a truck stop in Northern California.

Truck stops always have a really good assortment of bootleg/homemade CDs and tapes. DJ Butta L‘s Model Pon Dis is no exception. On the right, it reads “Visions by Choice.” I assume “Choice” is the Photoshop Lord who assembled this masterful collage. I question his “Choice” of ladiez.

Now these are much better choices. Greatest Hists!

Two of our favorite things combined. Tribal Tatz and Jesus.

This was in a weekly in SLC. Words cannot describe its awesomeness.

Here we are in Birmingham repping extreme 420 snacks.

Someone gave us a lovely oversized blowup doll at one of our shows. The Photoshop work on the box is insurmountable.

We took a trip to Europe last year and rented equipment. This was the slipmat on Ryan’s turntable.

One of the best things about the UK is their fine ladies.

Our European sound guy had four nips.

Coming back home is always amazing. One of the benefits of living in Portland is our awesome music scene. Note the use of Comic Sans font and $10 price tag! Rockin’!

Like any good pack of juvenile mongoloids, we find the numbers “420” and “69” HILARIOUS.

Sometimes the friends that we stay with on tour have pets. Sometimes these pets bring us little presents on our pillows — i.e. disemboweled birds.

We will probably be where you live some time this year. Show us your Tribal Jesus tats! We’ll totally let you let us stay at your house. It will be awesome.

In closing, I will leave you with a few more pictures, as I have TONS of this bullshit. We love you.

– Keil and the Starfucker dudes