MP3 Premiere: B Lan 3’s “Neutrino”

B Lan 3: Music for Hunting and MappingB Lan 3: Library Catalog Music Series Vol. 12: Music for Hunting and Mapping (Asthmatic Kitty, 3/8/11)

B Lan 3: “Neutrino”

[audio:|titles=B Lan 3: “Neutrino”]

B Lan 3 is a solo project by musician and visual artist Michael Diekmann. Diekmann, a New York City resident, is a part of long-standing minimalist no-wave band Ike Yard and experimental hip-hop group Death Comet Crew. In addition, he frequently composes soundtracks for video and multimedia installations.

It’s this background that led to Music for Hunting and Mapping, the latest release in the Asthmatic Kitty Library Catalog Music Series. Diekmann considered how different cultural artifacts could be reinterpreted as “low art” (e.g. Melville’s Moby Dick as a video game), and decided to soundtrack the imagined result. The MP3 above, “Neutrino,” from the new album, encapsulates the experimental, exploratory nature of B Lan 3’s music, with its undulating waves of off-kilter electronics.

[Have you pre-ordered yet? Don’t miss our limited-time offer, saving up to 38%, for Chromatic: The Crossroads of Color and Music, our next book that profiles independent musicians and artists who explore color in unorthodox ways.]