Gangpol & Mit’s “The 1000 People Band (Part 1)”
[audio:|titles=Gangpol & Mit: “The 1000 People Band Part 1”]French animation/electronic duo Gangpol & Mit (Guillaume Castagne and Sylvain Quément) makes music for a playful cartoon world. On its newest album, the bizarrely titled The 1000 Softcore Tourist People Club, G&M expands on its zany video-game aesthetic with a conglomerate of textured, glimmering Tinkertoy instrumentation.
Today’s MP3 premiere, the track “The 1000 People Band (Part 1),” demonstrates this Mario Kart-meets-Architecture in Helsinki-meets-The Books musical collage. Stock up on 1-ups, strap on your jet-pack, and turn it up.
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