With the threat of a record-setting blizzard currently looming over Chicago, what better time for some blissed-out summer vibes? Cue “Get Around,” from Brooklyn-based psych-pop quartet The Vandelles‘ forthcoming Summer Fling EP. From the opening moments of Beach Boys-esque “oohs” and distorted “wahs,” it’s clear that carefree beach-party times are on the horizon. Throw on some shades (and a mustache) and get down.
The Vandelles released a self-titled debut EP fully of jangly surf rock in 2008, followed by its first full-length album, Del Black Aloha, in 2009. Summer Fling — featuring three new songs and two cover songs, plus a handmade, screen-printed cover — will be released during the band’s upcoming appearance at SXSW.