Wires Under Tension: Replicant (Western Vinyl, 11/13/12)
“Landscape Architecture”
Wires Under Tension: “Landscape Architecture”
Do androids dream of amazing music? If so, they might hear Wires Under Tension, whose new album derives inspiration from Blade Runner and its soundtrack. Organic loops, metallic tones, synth programming, and huge beats make Replicant one of the best albums you didn’t hear about in 2012.
Where did Deftones KOI MO YOKAN go?
Where did the “MO” come from?
@kerim I was thinking the same thing…
Kerim, that and the Swans album were supposed to be in the honorable mentions. I’m not sure why they vanished. Thanks!
Disco Machine Gun – Art Thieves and Diamond Smugglers.
Great list.
Ya chequearon esto @[1154133151:2048:Alonso Mvs Peñaherrera], @[100001692664826:2048:Daniel Suarez], @[100000167583671:2048:Eduardo Lizano Lescano], @[1171587238:2048:Samuel Mayorga], @[622121637:2048:Pablo LP], @[1251121846:2048:José Rodríguez]
Chequearás esto @[100000350977532:2048:Fernando Dávila], @[100000913576423:2048:Richard Vargas]
vodka y ayahuasca!!! vacán!!!
A great list to help guide me into new musical waters.
empty like all the “new wave of music”, fuck I hate 2012!
i do respect messugah and koloss
No Swans? 🙁
I do believe that La Dispute Wildlife should be on there…Jordan and gang are so uniquely awesome.
extrem music!!!