Contest: Win tickets to see DJ Shadow in Chicago

ALARM has two tickets to see DJ Shadow’s genre-mashing live show in Chicago on December 7, and out of the goodness of our hearts, we're going to give them to you.
DJ ShadowDJ Shadow

In 2011, DJ Shadow released the excellent The Less You Know, The Better, a return to form after five years of silence on the original-music front. He followed that up with Reconstructed, a “best-of” album, soon to be available in a limited-edition box set.  Since then, he’s been touring extensively, bringing his wildly eclectic sound to cities the world over. His unique style of genre-mixing production is diverse and awfully difficult to reproduce.

Having just returned from overseas, Shadow is kicking off his US tour on December 6 in Madison, WI, following that up with Chicago on December 7 before moving on to the birthplace of techno in Detroit on December 8. We have a pair of tickets to that show at The Mid in Chicago, and out of the goodness of our hearts, we’re going to give them to you.

What must you do, you ask? It’s tough, but send us an E-mail at with the subject line “DJ SHADOW” and your full name in the body. This will sign you up for our newsletter and enter you to win a pair of tickets to see Shadow along with guests DJ Intel, Zebo, and Moppy.

The winner will be randomly selected on the morning of Wednesday, December 5.

Never win anything? You can pick up tickets online.