“It began with my mantra: I’m a weed-smoking white girl, and I really fucking like being naked.”
Clearly, photo blogger Britny Jo knows the recipe for success. The 26-year-old Canadian turned LA transplant has amassed more than 100,000 Tumblr and Instagram followers in only four months, due in no small part to the second half of that mantra.
Under the handle Thugxwife, Britny Jo posts candid pictures of herself, including many full-frontal nudes — but it’s her detailed, neo-traditional tattoos and “no-fucks-given” attitude that keep many followers entranced. Although revealing, the photos are not pornographic — instead paying tribute to regret, love, and spontaneity.
Pick up ALARM #40 to read her advice on when to get a tattoo, what to look for, and what not to ask friends. If you have an iPad and like free stuff, download the issue here for $0.00 and spread the word.