After time spent in Barcelona and Arizona, rapper/producer Tim Holland – better known as Sole – has settled in Denver and enmeshed himself in the local Occupy movement. In advance of his upcoming solo album, A Ruthless Criticism of Everything Existing (sans Skyrider Band), Holland has released a fresh political proclamation called “No Presidents,” a co-opted version of Jay-Z‘s “Dead Presidents.” It adds to Sole’s collection of strategically rewritten songs for his third mixtape and gives a pertinent sample of the not-so-timorous record to be released later this fall.
MC Sole says “fuck the vote” in co-opted Jay-Z track

Is this the answer to the quandary of whom is the occupy candidate? Your answer is no president?
we need new systems to bring us into the future
yes, “no president” is the ideal occupy candidate. there will be no real candidates until we do away with the electoral college & representative politics. the future is one with people making decisions for themselves, not corporations making them for us, and a one party system charading as democracy.
Still, to say that a battle is hopeless is a cop out in and of itself. The only real way to gut a system as intricate and powerful as the US government, is to be a part of it. I agree voting for President is almost useless. The only reason to vote in this election is to keep a Mormon out of office. Local elections do matter, like you said. What the occupy movement needs, is a legitimate candidate who is sympathetic to the cause, yet not corrupted by the very nature of being a politician.
you can’t vote against , police abuse, poverty, war, gentrification etc (a poster series we did in 01.
REMEMBER keep our needs distinguished from the strategies we use to meet them. 😉 and quit the amtsprache (need to have to must got to should).
Depressing and socially irresponsible. Thirty year-old men with fists and bandanas singing Occupy hymns, ain’t fixing anything; get your picket signs, yell at buildings, get a kickstarer; your a champion. Definitely don’t vote because that will certainly put an end to the electoral college and representative politics. The most successful endeavor the “Occupy” movement has accomplished is The National Defense Authorization Act. “F the one party politics and all hail the one class system?” huh? Corporations are run by people. Fight the power is a beautiful sentiment unfortunately sitting at home on election day is not a fight whatsoever at least you get to pick who’s hair you like more. (sigh) why do you not promote people getting a solid education that they can use and build capital against the system? Why do you think people have rights to property and resources? It was not a protest. Once done away with and occupy occupies a magical candidate with just spring from the newly sowed fields of righteousness and occupy will enact their secret plan for making everything all better? Wow I always thought sole was cynical of the human race. i know nothing, but at least i know;
While they fuck the vote and drink chai lattes,
Discussing their next protest, all as a write-off….. P.S. Punk rock already did “Fuck the Vote” over a decade ago (it’s called teenager politics) Mad love sole! Support the autograph “woo woo”
why is getting an education and making money mutually exclusive? why should it be that he with the most academic accumen or bankroll has a greater say? where did i say that occupy was going to save the world? with a candidate no less? you think corporations are run by people? they do not answer to the same laws of nature that humans do, they are governed by abstract forces that don’t give a fuck about people. fuck the vote.
Me and Texas got love ya Sole and I think God is a mysterious captain but has a sense of humor its all in how you view the soul and existence. We are the Gods! Almost time for wrath of the titans I will see you on the other side brotha…..Thank you for your powerful music and don’t waste your breath on the haterz
we should be able to reach it,we’re young yet
lot of good people on the planet
If you’ve no confidence in either party the brave thing is not to vote.Settled for too long
So here is the issue I have with the current climate of the Occupy movement. Leaders of the movement around the globe are calling for global revolution. They feel this is the only way to end this climate of economic inequality. Local leaders like sole want us to avoid the voting booth and give up on the democratic process. Lets be frank for a moment. Occupy IS the parallel to the Tea Party whether we want to admit it or not. Regardless of how incredibly moronic Tea Baggers are, they did get one thing right. That one thing is finding common ground and mobilizing on it. There are now so many tea party lackeys on the hill, that they actually affect policy. If the occupy movement doesn’t align itself with the left slightly we will never take this movement anywhere but the parks. Camping is not the way to change the political process. In fact all we are doing is clowning ourselves to the rest of the country. The Occupy movement needs to seed candidates and show up to vote for them! Until we are a part of this political process, we will never change it. Imagine if we had the clout on the hill that tea baggers currently have. Democrats would be forced to listen to us, because we would be their constituents. I’m sorry but until recently I haven’t realized how frivolous the leaders of occupy have been with the power they posses. It is a grim comparison, but it is the truth. Just like the Tea Party this movement is full of the extremist of the party. If we want the government to listen to us, they need to understand our voting power. If you agree with me, please share this. Let us hope that someone with some balls will step forward as a candidate for the occupy movement and this experiment can gain some validity. If you think I’m wrong, that is cool too. Just please tell me why.