“Fuck Your Stuff”
Though fans may be satiated by a new Doomtree album and a bevy of side projects, it’s been three-and-a-half years since any solo output from Stefon Alexander, a.k.a. P.O.S, the punk-spirited rapper/producer and cofounder of the aforementioned hip-hop collective.
From the aggressive, rhythmic opening of “Bumper,” it sounds like Alexander picks up where he left off with Never Better, his watershed 2009 album. Very quickly, however, We Don’t Even Live Here reveals itself to be a different kind of beast, as squiggly synths and electronics create an electro-rap hybrid. There’s plenty of rock to go around — as well as a bunch of Doomtree guest spots, a steadily pulsing piano, and an anti-consumerist anthem (“Fuck Your Stuff”). But the final four tracks delve straight into dance and dubstep territory, and with appearances by vocoder as well as Justin Vernon of Bon Iver, this is a whole new P.O.S.