Best Albums: Godly astronauts, moon cults, light storms, and a 14-string guitar

Felix Martin: The Scenic Album
God Is an Astronaut: Origins
Cult of Luna: Vertikal II
Windhand: Soma
A Storm of Light: Nations to Flames
Dustin Wong: Meditation of Ecstatic Energy
Felix MartinFelix Martin

Best albums

– Venezuelan guitarist Felix Martin delivers a dizzying prog-metal fusion via his self-designed 14-string guitar.

– On its 7th LP, Ireland’s God Is an Astronaut upends its writing process and adds vocals with a sort of “Mogwai treatment.”

– Swedish post-metal band Cult of Luna offers an addendum to its masterful January LP, Vertikal.

Windhand drops a Relapse debut that’s an absolute monolith of stoner doom metal.

– Sludge-doom trio A Storm of Light confirms that the end is nigh with a chuggy yet “poppy” new full-length.

– For the end of his trilogy, former Ponytail guitarist Dustin Wong presents more beautiful possibilities of what can be done with looping and effects.

Honorable mentions

Clark: Feast/Beast (Warp)

Elvis Costello & The Roots: Wise Up Ghost (Blue Note)

Mark Lanegan: Imitations (Vagrant)

MGMT: s/t (Columbia)

Múm: Smilewound (Morr)

Nightmares on Wax: Feelin’ Good (Warp)

Pillars & Tongues: End-Dances (Empty Cellar)

Pinkish Black: Razed to the Ground (Century Media)

Royal Bangs: Brass (Modern Art)

San Fermin: s/t (Downtown)

Sebadoh: Defend Yourself (Joyful Noise)

Susanna & Ensemble Neon: The Forester (SusannaSonata)

Týr: Valkyrja (Metal Blade)

Ulcerate: Vermis (Relapse)

Why?: Golden Tickets EP (Joyful Noise)

Wolvserpent: Perigaea Antahkarana (Relapse)