Help John Vanderslice release two new albums, including an entire David Bowie disc

Over at Kickstarter, singer-songwriter John Vanderslice has been taking pre-orders and offering a crazy amount of special packages in anticipation of two new self-released albums — Dagger Beach (full of originals) and a start-to-finish cover treatment of David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs.

Over at Kickstarter, singer-songwriter John Vanderslice has been taking pre-orders and offering a crazy amount of special packages in anticipation of two new self-released albums — Dagger Beach (full of originals, again with Minna Choi’s Magik*Magik Orchestra) and a start-to-finish cover treatment of David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs.

Mr. Vanderslice toppled his goal a while ago, but every extra bit helps, particularly in compensating the many musicians who worked on the albums. Plus…there hasn’t yet been a taker for the $10,000 package, for which JV will use his online clergy status to marry you to someone else (outside of NC, UT, and NV).