“Hollywood Dooom”: Wild GIF-iti art for Thom Yorke’s Atoms for Peace

As part of the promotion for the Atoms for Peace record, XL Recordings commissioned graffiti artist INSA to produce a unique piece of moving art known as a GIF-iti.

Atoms for Peace: AmokAtoms for Peace: AmokAtoms for Peace: Amok (XL, 2/26/13)

With super-group Atoms for Peace dropping its debut album yesterday, it’s fitting to stop and take a look at the LP’s excellent artwork.

Designed by longtime Radiohead collaborator Stanley Donwood, it shows Los Angeles suffering meteoric doom. And as part of the promotion for the record, XL Recordings commissioned one crazy GIF-iti piece by artist INSA over its Los Angeles office.

Hollywood Dooom

What is GIF-iti? It’s a labor-intensive combination of the old and new. INSA paints his surface, takes a photograph, repaints it immediately, takes another photograph, etc. Then the entire process is uploaded to the Internet, resulting in a mesmerizing, apocalyptic, real-life GIF. Check out other views below.

Hollywood Dooom
Hollywood Dooom
Hollywood Dooom