Robot Unicorn Attack came out a few years ago to guarantee that no one got any work done and that we all had Erasure’s “Always” stuck in our heads 24/7. Then there was Robot Unicorn Attack: Heavy Metal, here to make our eyes and ears bleed. Things evolved into other forms with the revamp Robot Unicorn Attack Evolution. But throughout this, the basic game-play remained the same: jump, dash, don’t die in a fiery explosion.
Now Adult Swim Games has released Robot Unicorn Attack 2, and not only is it an awesomely prog-tacular upgrade visually, but it has added new elements. Unicorns can be customized, Rainbow and Inferno teams compete for daily prizes, there are new enemies to defeat, and perhaps best of all, you can purchase new tracks to soundtrack your journey through the worlds of Ice and Rainbow. This is particularly important, as neither Erasure’s dulcet tones nor Blind Guardian’s Heavy Metal backing “Battlefield” are available at the beginning.
Check out a trailer, and then head over to iTunes or the App Store to pick it up for free. Sorry, Android users.