Mythological metal: Scale the Summit’s “The Olive Tree”

Prog-metal outfit Scale the Summit is back with a new album next week, but first we're premiering the epic, upbeat new track "The Olive Tree".

Scale the Summit: Migration (Prosthetic, 6/11/13)

“The Olive Tree”

Scale the Summit: “The Olive Tree”

Prog-metal outfit Scale the Summit is nearly ready to unleash a new Hyborian Age with its Migration, out June 11 on Prosthetic. Before we’re all forced to start wearing chainmail and riding mammoths, however, the band has premiered a new track.

“The Olive Tree” may not be as sprawling as the previously posted “Odyssey,” but (and not to mix fantasy metaphors here) this collection of echoing riffs and upbeat chugs is a dramatic, eagles-arriving-at-the-Battle-of-Five-Armies kind of track.

Check it out above, catch the band on tour with Intronaut right now, and, if you’re really devoted, make the pilgrimage to New Jersey in August to see ’em play the first-ever Yestival.