Four Loko Social Club Featuring Danny Brown and Special Guest DJs

Keep your Lollapalooza going long after the park closes at 10 with back-to-back after parties at Chicago's Debonair.

One of the most rewarding aspects of Lollapalooza is partying past the 10 PM curfew at an after-show. Alarm Magazine and Four Loko have teamed up to assemble an eclectic, energetic lineup at Chicago’s Debonair Social Club that will keep you from hitting the hay.

Friday’s stacked bill includes Danny Brown and DJ sets from Grouplove, The Orwells, Temples, Twin Peaks, and Greg Corner, and Saturday has DJ sets by Gigamesh and Ghosthouse. Debonair house DJ Ryan Paradise also will spin sets on both nights.

The party is free, and with an RSVP, you can skip the line and cover charge from 9 to 11 PM. RSVP here!

Four Loko Social ClubFour Loko Social Club