Abner Smith: "The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting"

Zine Scene: Abner Smith’s The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting

Abner Smith: The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #6Abner Smith: The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #6 (Microcosm)

For more than a decade, zine writer Abner Smith has tackled what we usually consider USA-related “conspiracy theories” in The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting. The series’ six issues delve into the shocking details of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, HIV, Iran-Contra, and more. Smith’s writing reacts against both the personal-story vogue in the zine genre and the uncritical eye that most people give to historical accounts (you can read more about Smith in a wonderful interview with his publisher).

In each issue, Smith shows that all it takes is a little digging to uncover a more complex and troubling version of historical events than what the authorities or the media report. Reprints of all six of his zines are available through Microcosm, including his newest: an updated biography of Lee Harvey Oswald.