Black Flag

Retox redefines police brutality in gory video for “Mature Science”

Retox continue their throwback style takeover of punk rock with the violently NSFW video for "Mature Science".

Black Flag reforms, announces new album just days after “Flag” festival dates surface

With peculiar timing, Black Flag founder and guitarist Greg Ginn has announced that the legendary hardcore band will reform and…

Capture the (Black) Flag: Original members pay tribute to hardcore legacy

No, founding guitarist Greg Ginn isn't involved, but original Black Flag members Keith Morris, Chuck Dukowski, and Bill Stevenson (plus…

Review: Pig Destroyer’s Book Burner

After five years of relative inertia, Pig Destroyer — flaring up like an incurable Amazonian virus — is back on…

Guest Spot: Sean Ingram of Coalesce explains hardcourt bike polo

Coalesce: OX (Relapse, 6/9/09) Coalesce: "The Comedian in Question" [audio:|titles=Coalesce: "The Comedian In Question"] Kansas City, Missouri-based hardcore band Coalesce…

Guest Playlist: Neurosis’ most vital predecessors

Neurosis: Souls at Zero (Reissue) (Neurot, 2/15/11) Neurosis: "To Crawl Under One's Skin" [audio:|titles=Neurosis "To Crawl Under One's Skin"] Earlier…

The Groove Seeker: The Dead Kenny Gs’ Operation Long Leash

The Groove Seeker goes in search of killer grooves across rock, funk, hip hop, soul, electronic music, jazz, fusion, and…

Cursed: Enemies with the Industry

Though it broke up following a serious tour robbery, Ontario-based hardcore band Cursed delivered three albums of ferocious hardcore punk,…

Trash Talk to co-headline US tour with OFF!

Sacramento-based hardcore band Trash Talk will co-headline a US tour with LA punk quartet OFF!, kicking off 3/22 in Atlanta…

Morrow vs. Hajduch: The Mag Seven’s Black Feathers

Scott Morrow is ALARM’s music editor. Patrick Hajduch is a very important lawyer. Each week they debate the merits of…

The Metal Examiner: The Rival Mob’s Hardcore for Hardcore

Every Friday, The Metal Examiner delves metal's endless depths to present the genre's most important and exciting albums. The Rival…

Posters & Packaging: Pinky Blaster

Shawn Knight, a.k.a. designer and illustrator Pinky Blaster, has created art and music since an early age. Followers of the…