Eastern Blok

Q&A: Jazz Bassist Matt Ulery Explores Chamber Scores with Solo Compositions

Bassist/composer Matt Ulery has spent the last half of this decade entertaining Chicago with his involvement in chamber-jazz outfit Loom,…

What We’re Seeing Saturday: The Quin Kirchner Group

Featuring members of NOMO, Silences (Sumire), Zing! and Eastern Blok, this newly formed improvisational outfit features four young standouts in…

What We’re Doing This Weekend: Sunday

If we wake up on time, we'll be catching a late-morning performance by Balkan folk guitarist Goran Ivanovic and finger-tapping…

What We’re Doing This Weekend

Care to stalk us this weekend? Search for us around Chicago as we see Subtle, The Lonesome Organist, Eastern Blok,…