ALARM's 50 Favorite Songs of 2012

ALARM’s 50 (+5) Favorite Songs of 2012

Last month ALARM presented its 50 favorite albums of 2012, an eclectic, rock-heavy selection of discs that were in steady rotation in our downtown-Chicago premises. Now, to give some love to tunes that were left out, we have our 50 (+5) favorite songs of last year — singles, B-sides, EP standouts, soundtrack cuts, and more.

Mucca Pazza

Review: Mucca Pazza’s Safety Fifth

Mucca Pazza: Safety FifthMucca Pazza: Safety Fifth (Electric Cowbell, 6/12/12)

“Boss Taurus”

[audio:|titles=Mucca Pazza: “Boss Taurus”]

If Chicago’s tourism committee was serious about a new theme song—one that made people want to come to Chicago rather than, you know, kill themselves—they wouldn’t have chosen Chicago (the band), Buddy Guy, and Umphrey’s McGee. They would’ve chosen Mucca Pazza.

Mucca Pazza

Video: Mucca Pazza’s “Boss Taurus”

The Chicago 30-piece Mucca Pazza is an ensemble of fun-loving band geeks that includes guitarists, trombonists, sax players, percussionists, and — let’s not forget — cheerleaders. Though they look and behave like perhaps the world’s coolest marching band, their sound is far more suitable for summer festivals than pep rallies.