100 Unheralded Albums from 2010

Among the thousands of under-appreciated or under-publicized albums that were released in 2010, hundreds became our favorites and were presented in ALARM and on AlarmPress.com. Of those, we pared down to 100 outstanding releases, leaving no genre unexplored in our list of this year’s overlooked gems.


The Metal Examiner: Agalloch’s Marrow of the Spirit

Every Friday, The Metal Examiner delves metal’s endless depths to present the genre’s most important and exciting albums.

Agalloch - Marrow of the SpiritAgalloch: Marrow of the Spirit (Profound Lore, 11/23/10)

Agalloch: “The Watcher’s Monolith”

[audio:https://alarm-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/03.-The-Watchers-Monolith.mp3|titles=Agalloch – The Watcher’s Monolith]

Although Agalloch dons its album covers with images of winter and writes songs featuring tremolo-picked minor chords and shrieked vocals, the Portland quartet is best understood as a heavy progressive-rock band rather than a black-metal band.

Since the late 1990s, the group has released purposefully genre-blending music with a somber, melodic bent.  Marrow of the Spirit, just the band’s fourth full-length album, must be compared to the work of black-metal-gone-experimental artists like Ulver and Enslaved, but a better reference point is the work of ’70s prog-rock bands like Comus. Songs are sprawling layers of riffs that meander between different themes and styles, touching on blast beats, acoustic breaks, and atmospheric post-rock passages.


The Metal Examiner: Enslaved’s Axioma Ethica Odini

Enslaved: Axioma Ethica Odini (Nuclear Blast / Indie Recordings, 9/28/10)

Enslaved: “Ethica Odini”
[audio:https://alarm-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Enslaved_Ethica_Odini.mp3|titles=Enslaved: “Ethica Odini”]

Enslaved abandoned black metal long ago in favor of expansive rock songs coated in darker aesthetics. This release continues in the tradition of post-Syd Barrett Pink Floyd by creating compositions of textures over a few simple rock riffs.

Sunn O))) to curate 2011 Roadburn Festival

Since 1999, The Netherlands’ annual Roadburn Festival has showcased adventurous alt-metal, psychedelic, doom, noise, and experimental music from around the globe.

Drone-doom poster duo Sunn O))) will curate the 2011 festival, guaranteeing another exceptional lineup.  The two official members (Greg Anderson and Stephen O’Malley) have participated in various past Roadburns, and they will follow curators David Tibet and Neurosis from past years.  Specifically, the group will choose the events of Friday, April 15, personally selecting bands to play before headlining the event.

Last year’s stellar roster included Shining (Norway), Russian Circles, Earthless, Kylesa, Enslaved, Master Musicians of Bukkake, Jesu, Bohren Und Der Club of Gore, Nachtmystiuim, and Shrinebuilder.  The 2011 festival will take place on April 14-17 in Tilburg, Holland.