Gangpol & Mit

2013 and 1/3: The Best Albums of the 2010s (So Far)

Inspired by the third installment of The Naked Gun, we decided to compile our favorite albums over the first 3…

Video: Gangpol & Mit’s “The 1000 People Band”

French audio/visual duo Gangpol & Mit creates quirky electro-pop that draws from myriad influences, and its latest video features a…

50 Unheralded Albums from 2011

In just one more trip around the sun, another swarm of immensely talented but under-recognized musicians has harnessed its collective…

MP3 Premiere: Gangpol & Mit’s “The 1000 People Band (Part 1)”

Gangpol & Mit: The 1000 Softcore Tourist People Club (Ipecac, 3/29/11) Gangpol & Mit's "The 1000 People Band (Part 1)"…