
The Comedy director Rick Alverson on creating a sub-cultural soundtrack

Hitting theaters last November after a Sundance debut, The Comedy is a “hipster”-driven character study that steeps in irony, reflected…

Video: P.O.S’s “Fuck Your Stuff”

"Fuck Your Stuff," the first video from P.O.S's forthcoming We Don't Even Live Here, features the Doomtree MC and friends…

P.O.S: We Don't Even Live Here

Doomtree’s P.O.S offers “anarchist dance party” with We Don’t Even Live Here

Minnesota rapper/producer and punk-hardcore musician P.O.S returns this October with the follow-up to his acclaimed crossover album Never Better, and…


Label Q&A: Doomtree

[Chromatic, our 400-page exploration of musicians and color, is out now. Order here!] Doomtree: No Kings (Doomtree, 11/22/11) Doomtree: "The…