Helen Money

Helen Money

MP3 Premiere: Rock cellist Helen Money’s “Shrapnel,” featuring Jason Roeder of Sleep

Rock cellist Helen Money’s new album, Arriving Angels, contains raw, emotion-filled songs. "Shrapnel," her new single, is a slow burn…

Helen Money to tour US with Joe Lally and Shellac

Fugazi bassist Joe Lally and Chicago-based celloist Alison Chesley, a.k.a. Helen Money, announced that they will tour the US together this November. Just prior…

Helen Money

Helen Money: One-Woman Cello Fury

As Helen Money, Chicago-based cellist Alison Chesley transforms a commonly known classical instrument into a mighty weapon for composing and…

Weekly Music News Roundup

A tentative lineup for Zorn Fest 2009 is posted; math metallists The Dillinger Escape Plan have another new drummer; rock…