
Fund This: Short film inspired by The Shining, Dexter, Repulsion, scored by Christina Vantzou

Inspired by psychological horror and bold visuals, Kristina Ianatchkova and Christina Vantzou are working on a short film about a…

Helms Alee launches Kickstarter project to fund music video

Seattle-based post-punk/metal trio Helms Alee has taken to Kickstarter to raise funds for a new music video. The song in…

Kickstarter Alert: Help Arrington de Dionyso go to Indonesia

First, This Week's Best Albums—now, Indonesia! Experimental throat-singer Arrington de Dionyso is planning a trip to the southeastern Asian country…

Help fund Mr. Lif & Brass Menazeri’s new album

Balkan brass band Brass Menažeri and underground hip-hop artist Mr. Lif need your help to make a new album. Check…

Help fund ALARM contributor Brian Leli’s new book

Former ALARM Dispatches columnist Brian Leli is headed to London to pursue an MA in international journalism. While there, he…

Q&A: Spindrift

Spindrift: Classic Soundtracks Vol. 1 (Xemu, 5/10/11) Spindrift: "Theme From Confusion Range" [audio:|titles=Spindrift: "Theme from Confusion Range"] Mixing influences from…

Help fund Wayne Belger’s new Kickstarter project, Bloodworks: Africa

Tuscon, Arizona-based artist Wayne Belger, whose striking work with custom pinhole cameras warranted a story in ALARM (read the article…

Save 38% on Chromatic with limited-time pre-order

On February 22, ALARM Press launched a pre-order and fund-raising campaign to print our newest book, Chromatic: The Crossroads of…