Metal Blade

ALARM’s 51 Favorite Albums of 2013

Saving the best for last, we've chosen our 51 favorite albums of 2013, pulled from the acclaimed and the unsung…

Deep, deep down: German post-metal band The Ocean presents first single from Pelagial

With its new album, Pelagial, slated for release on 4/30 via Metal Blade, German post-metal outfit The Ocean has unveiled…

Worming across the East Coast: Shai Hulud announces first batch of new US shows

Sandwiched between tour dates in Australia and Europe, a two-week tour of the Eastern USA has been announced by metalcore…

More metal from beyond the sun: Shai Hulud debuts “Monumental Graves”

Metalcore outfit Shai Hulud has debuted a third cut from Reach Beyond the Sun, due out next week on Metal…

Gang vocals galore: Shai Hulud’s “A Human Failing”

Alternative Press has debuted Shai Hulud’s second new single, "A Human Failing." Enjoy the melodic metalcore and get ready for…

Shai Hulud to tour with Propagandhi, support first album in five years

Metalcore heroes Shai Hulud are playing a handful of East Coast record-release dates to support Reach Beyond the Sun, recorded…

ALARM’s 50 Favorite Albums of 2012

Another year, another torrential downpour of albums across our desks. As always, we encountered way too much amazing music, from…

Watch a teaser video for Cattle Decapitation’s upcoming record

California-based death-metal band Cattle Decapitation is currently working on the followup to its 2009 release, The Harvest Floor. The as-yet-unnamed record will…

The Metal Examiner: Amon Amarth’s Surtur Rising

Every Friday, The Metal Examiner delves metal's endless depths to present the genre's most important and exciting albums. Amon Amarth:…

Shai Hulud to tour East Coast & Midwest

During the month of February, you can catch metalcore band Shai Hulud touring the East Coast and Midwest with Close…

The Metal Examiner: Ghost’s Opus Eponymous

Every Friday, The Metal Examiner delves metal's endless depths to present the genre's most important and exciting albums. Ghost: Opus…

The Metal Examiner: The Ocean’s Anthropocentric

Every Friday, The Metal Examiner delves metal's endless depths to present the genre's most important and exciting albums. The Ocean:…