2013 and 1/3: The Best Albums of the 2010s (So Far)

2013 and 1/3: The Best Albums of the 2010s (So Far)

Inspired by the third installment of The Naked Gun, we decided to compile our favorite albums over the first 3…

Brother Ali

Brother Ali stands with struggling homeowners in “Work Everyday” video

Occupy Homes Minnesota has debuted a video for Brother Ali's solidarity anthem, "Work Everyday". It's a heartfelt ode to the…

Dark Time Sunshine

Nose-picking couch-rapping: Dark Time Sunshine, Aesop Rock & Swamburger in “Take My Hand” video

Consisting of Grayskul’s Onry Ozzborn and producer Zavala, Dark Time Sunshine is a lesser-known gem in underground hip hop. The…


P.O.S gets weird with goats, fire-eaters, and contortionists in “Weird Friends” video

Rapper, rock musician, and Doomtree co-founder P.O.S may be suffering from issues with his kidneys, but that doesn't stop him…

Doomtree’s P.O.S still needs your help for his new kidney

Doomtree rapper/producer and rock musician Stefon Alexander, a.k.a. P.O.S, had to cancel his fall tour due to a health emergency…

ALARM's 50 Favorite Songs of 2012

ALARM’s 50 (+5) Favorite Songs of 2012

Last month ALARM presented its 50 favorite albums of 2012, an eclectic, rock-heavy selection of discs that were in steady…

ALARM's 50 Favorite Albums of 2012

ALARM’s 50 Favorite Albums of 2012

Another year, another torrential downpour of albums across our desks. As always, we encountered way too much amazing music, from…


Interview: P.O.S throws an anarchist dance party

Stefon Alexander’s latest as P.O.S, his hip-hop moniker, is a testament to his 360-degree perspective of both music and the…

Free iPad download of ALARM #40 w/ Soundgarden, Refused, Converge

Let's say that you have one of these newfangled "iPads." Let's also say that you like free things, particularly those…

ALARM is back in print! Subscribe and get Nov/Dec w/ Soundgarden, Refused, Converge

After relaunching for free this summer on the iPad, ALARM Magazine is back in print with more awesome shit. We're…

Review: P.O.S’s We Don’t Even Live Here

With his new album, Doomtree’s P.O.S delivers a different kind of beast, an electro-rap hybrid with anarchist and anti-consumerist leanings.

Help P.O.S get a new kidney

On Friday, Doomtree’s P.O.S announced plans to cancel his fall tour due to ailing kidneys and necessary dialysis treatment. Help…