The End

Q&A: Massive Attack producer Neil Davidge scores the next chapter in Halo’s legacy

Massive Attack producer Neil Davidge was tapped to score the latest iteration of the Halo series, Halo 4. We talked…

ALARM’s 50 Favorite Albums of 2012

Another year, another torrential downpour of albums across our desks. As always, we encountered way too much amazing music, from…

The soundtrack to alien killing: Massive Attack producer unveils Halo 4 OST

Massive Attack producer and co-writer Neil Davidge has debuted a single from the upcoming Halo 4 soundtrack, which accompanies one…

Review: Scott Lucas & The Married Men’s Blood Half Moon

After going solo, former Local H front-man Scott Lucas (with his Married Men) has hit a stride crafting, in his…

Review: Bereft’s Leichenhaus

In a field as saturated as doom metal, Los Angeles quartet Bereft is pushing ahead by playing heavier and harder,…

Jarboe: Howling Artistry Born of Swans

Jarboe, a rare female crusader of the male-dominated metal scene, developed her formidable, performance-art-inspired presence as a member of influential…

100 Unheralded Albums from 2010

Among the thousands of under-appreciated or under-publicized albums that were released in 2010, hundreds became our favorites and were presented…

50 Unheralded Albums from 2009

ALARM leaves no genre unloved in our round-up of 50 albums that didn't receive enough attention in 2009.

Ten Albums to Anticipate This Spring

As the weather stops being oppressive in the Northern Hemisphere, a number of potentially great albums from countless genres are…

Weekly Music News Roundup

Announcements are made for new albums from Irepress, Karl Sanders, Black Moth Super Rainbow, and Staff Benda Bilili -- a…