Tim Hecker

Moogfest announces partial lineup

Moogfest, the annual music festival celebrating synth pioneer Bob Moog, will take place 10/28–10/30 in Asheville, NC. Bands scheduled to…

Zulu Records

Behind the Counter: Zulu Records (Vancouver, BC)

With an army-green facade out front and wood-paneled walls and retro furniture inside, Zulu Records is an established musical stronghold…

Morrow vs. Hajduch

Morrow vs. Hajduch: The Fun Years’ God Was Like, No

Scott Morrow is ALARM’s music editor. Patrick Hajduch is a very important lawyer. Each week they debate the merits of…

Tim Hecker

Tim Hecker: Reluctant Neo Eno

Montreal-based ambient electronic artist Tim Hecker recorded his most recent album, Ravedeath, 1972, in one day with a single church…

Tim Hecker

Guest Spots: Tim Hecker on the loudest instruments in history

Tim Hecker: Ravedeath, 1972 (Kranky, 2/14/11) Tim Hecker: "Hatred of Music I" [audio:https://alarm-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Hatred_of_Music_I.mp3|titles=Tim Hecker: "Hatred of Music I"] Experimental electronic…