Translation Loss

MP3 Premiere: Empty Flowers’ “I Get to Know Its Name (Iconaclass / Deadverse Remix)”

With its radically re-imagined remix album, post-punk band Empty Flowers tabs a star-studded list of collaborators to transform its material.

Review: Generation of Vipers’ Howl and Filth

Sludgy post-hardcore trio Generation of Vipers finally gets a proper release of Howl and Filth, an album of sonic density…

The Metal Examiner: Total Fucking Destruction’s Hater

Every Friday, The Metal Examiner delves metal's endless depths to present the genre's most important and exciting albums. Total Fucking…

50 Unheralded Albums from 2009

ALARM leaves no genre unloved in our round-up of 50 albums that didn't receive enough attention in 2009.

Mouth of the Architect: Quietly

Quietly, the newest album from post-metal quartet Mouth of the Architect, doesn't just rest on its volume-knob laurels, opting instead…

Contest: Win an Irepress Prize Package (CD + T-shirt)!

Following its debut full-length in 2007, melodic math-chug group Irepress has just released its crushing, beautiful, epic sophomore album, Sol…

Weekly Music News Roundup

Announcements are made for new albums from Irepress, Karl Sanders, Black Moth Super Rainbow, and Staff Benda Bilili -- a…