Win 7 cassettes from Prosthetic Records and blast ’em through a holy tape deck

Hey, kids — did you know that a long time ago, we used to record sounds onto magnetic tape and listen to them on “Walkmans” that were like giant iPods and weighed almost a pound? They didn’t have screens or keyboards, and when you wanted to listen to something else, you had to insert a new cassette. (It’s true. Ask your parents.)

To prove it, Prosthetic Records, fine purveyor of extreme metal, is releasing seven albums on limited-edition cassettes, combining the best in thrashy tones with the best in analog imperfections. Sometimes the best way to listen to noisy music is with a noisy medium, and these cassettes deliver.

If you haven’t had the chance to experience magnetized metal, ALARM and Prosthetic are giving you the chance by giving away one of each cassette. As a bonus, we’re also including a tape player from an outreach program run by Aurora Ministries Bible Alliance, which almost surely didn’t intend for its gift to play tracks like Skeletonwitch’s “Sacrifice for the Slaughtergod” or Lamb of God’s “The Subtle Arts of Murder and Persuasion.” Analog blasphemy is the best kind of blasphemy.

Here are the seven tapes included in the giveaway:

Lamb of God: New American Gospel
Trap Them: Darker Handcraft
Skeletonwitch: Beyond the Permafrost
Ramming Speed: Doomed to Destroy, Destined to Die
Castle: Blacklands
Holy Grail: Ride the Void
Mutilation Rites: Empyrean

To enter, “like” the Prosthetic and ALARM pages on Facebook, then comment here and send an E-mail to Good luck!

Oh, and here’s that holy tape roller:

Holy tape deck

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